- Entrance Hall
- Kitchen
- Living Room with laminate wood flooring
- Two Double bedrooms
- Bathroom (with a window)
- South West facing wider than averege rear garden
- Replaced Worcester Boiler
- Off Street parkiing for 2 cars in tandem in the parking bay to rear
Part glazed front door to:-
RCD MCB electricity consumer unit, telephone point, radiator, laminate flooring, digital thermostat.
KITCHEN: 9’9 x 6’0 narrowing to 5’5.
Front aspect window, vinyl flooring, ‘Worcester’ boiler. Range of base and wall units with roll-edge worktops, space for washer, sing, slot-in gas cooker, space for tall fridge freezer.
LIVING ROOM: 14’2 x 11’10.
Rear aspect double-glazed patio door to the garden, radiator, laminate flooring, TV & Telephone points.
Loft hatch.
Side aspect window, extractor fan, vinyl flooring, radiator, bath with mixer tap and shower attachment, screen, pedestal wash hand basin, close coupled wc.
BEDROOM ONE: 11’10 x 8’11.
Rear aspect window, radiator.
BEDROOM TWO: 11’10 x 8’6.
front aspect window, radiator, bulkhead cupboard.
Refer to photo.
Wider than average by the width of the gate, South-West facing.
Off road parking for two cars, one behind the other, in the parking lot to the rear.
Material Property Information
Council Tax Band B/ Amount£ 1770.03 ( 2023)
Rental Asking Price £ 1250.00 PCM
Tenure …………………..Freehold
Property construction …..Standard
Mains Electricity supply ……Yes
Mains Gas Supply …………….Yes
Mains Water supply …………Yes
Mains Sewerage ………………Yes
Heating Type ………………….Gas
Broadband ……… Fibre to Cabinet and Copper to House
No of Parking Spaces 2 Spaces to rear of property
Building safety ……………… Any known factors (e.g Radon Gas / Asbestos/ Construction problems ETC ……No
Restrictions /Rights and easements (Any Restrictive covenants and Rights of Way or Easements or Wayleaves on the title………………………………..…No
Flood risk - has the property been subject to any flooding in the last 5 years ……No
Planning permission – Does the property have any outstanding planning applications ….No
Accessibility/adaptations - Does the property have any disabled access provisions ….No